- Standard space between gate frame and column is 5 ½”.
- Standard gate width is measured as finished dimension between columns. Specify 12′, 14′, 16′, or 20′.
- 18″ hinge embedments supplied for gates to be installed on existing column (core-drilled and grouted with exterior hydraulic cement). This is an option and must be specified with order.
- Hinge Posts Super-Structure supplied with all gates and intended to be used with 24″X 24″ new column construction.
- Standard space between gates is ¾”.
- Intermediate pickets.
- All gate frame heights are 2″ less than capitol height.
- 6′ is standard gate height is measured as column height beneath capitol.
- Standard space under gate is 4″ (if larger space is needed to accommodate grade, increase column height as necessary).
- Go to finishes for information on coating specifications.
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