Eli Lilly Indianapolis, IN

1989: 1100′ of aluminum fence with fluted cast aluminum columns along the perimeter of the corporate headquarters. Eight sets of large colorgalvanized steel gates at each entry point. 1400′ of simple seven foot high aluminum fence along the interstate.


1990: 150′ of aluminum fence to match above project with aluminum pedestrian gates.

1995: 200′ of additional fencing to match above with several pedestrian gates and Rixon gate closers.

eli_lilyNote that after our above projects were complete, several other manufacturers duplicated and added more fencing to the site. We have been told that the finishing and craftsmanship is considerably inferior to our work, so please look at the correct areas within the site if you wish to inspect the work done by Cassidy Bros. Forge. Contact us if you need specific location information.