Precision Waterjet Cutting

We can waterjet cut almost any material up to 8 inches thick from either plate or slabs in sizes to 5’2″ by 13’6″. The finished waterjet cutting is extremely precise with very smooth edges. Any shaped pattern can be easily cut as well as pierced.
Our new Jet Edge machine cuts with 60,000 psi and can pierce delicate materials such as glass without pre-drilling.
We can waterjet cut:

- Steel
- Stainless Steel
- Aluminum
- Bluestone
- Granite
- Plastic
- Plywood
- Mahogany
- Glass
- Tool Steel
- Rubber
- Brass
We can quote your cutting jobs from artwork, shop drawings, digital images, AutoCad drawings and dxf files.
To see the diversity of designs and materials that we can create using our waterjet cutting machine, we invite you to look at our portfolio of waterjet cut products.
Waterjet Cutting In Action

Click On The Photo Above To Take A Photo Tour Of How We Waterjet Cut A Compass Rose From Solid Bluestone